Victoria Carlton Programs
Global Educator and Writer
A Practical Approach
Victoria is our founder and creator of the Victoria Carlton Programs.
A passionate educator and writer, Victoria not only helps children at her centre but also trains teachers in Australia, South East Asia and beyond.
Victoria is well known and respected by educators, parents and children throughout the world. She is known affectionately as the “Child Whisperer!”
Children LOVE Victoria’s approach to learning and really thrive with her methods.
Victoria believes ALL children are gifted and her programs have been helping Australian and overseas children for 30 years to grow their talents and improve academic strengths, confidence and joy in learning.
In Perth we offer individual tuition for Primary and High-School students.
We design programs with YOUR child in mind!
Victoria's calendar of proposed workshops for 2025 can be seen by following the downloaded by selecting the "Professional Development" tab

There will be several Zoom seminars presented by Victoria in 2025.
These include Jolly Phonics, Jolly Grammar, STAR (Students At Risk) and Growing Successful Writers.
For more information on these please select the "Professional Development" tab at the top of this page or
What are Victoria Carlton Education Programs?
The Victoria Carlton method is the CREAM of education methods and ensures ALL children are taught literacy and mathematics in an effective manner.
We put your child at the centre of our programs and we choose engaging and innovative methods to engage and enthuse our children.
We acknowledge parents as the child’s first educators and realise you know your child better than we can ever do! That is why we establish close communication with you, listen to you carefully and consider you as our primary partner to help your child thrive with academic skills.
Our aim is to always help your child to reach their full potential.

The CREAM Model
Developed by Victoria Carlton
Children are naturally creative in their learning style. If schools are to be relevant and effective, they must nurture and encourage creativity.
When learners reflect they deepen knowledge and discover how much they already know, what they need to find out and ask themselves questions that lead to more learning.
Materials and methods selected MUST be relevant in order to inspire children and engage them.
We need learners to ENGAGE in each and every learning experience. Without ENGAGEMENT there is no learning.
Children are ACTIVE learners. They will always learn best when allowed to be active within the learning process.
The more senses engaged: the more learning takes place!
Our tools?
Our careful assessments and observations to ensure we are achieving results.
State of the art materials such as quality children’s literature, learning games, digital support for practice of basic skills.
Quality, engaging lessons (individual and group) to enthuse children and ensure they come to LOVE attendance and enjoy the education process.

Stay in Touch with Social Media
Ideas for teachers: Victoria Carlton Programs:
A group: STAR- Students At Risk: https://www.facebook.com/groups/studentsatrisk/?fref=ts
Teachers Pay Teachers Store:
Victoria Carlton’s Child Whisperer’s Blog: http://victoriacarlton.com.au
Pinterest: https://au.pinterest.com/victoriacarlton/
Sunday School Lessons: Growing in Faith:
Victoria Carlton Programs WhatsApp group 2: I usually post at least one learning tip per day here.
Website: www.vcprograms.com
Email: victoriacarlton@iinet.net.au
Phone: +61 409 911 135
Professional Development for Teachers
Keeping Teachers up to Date
Victoria is a literacy specialist and is available to train teachers in group seminars anywhere in the world over the Internet by use of ZOOM. Alternatively in Western Australia Victoria can visit and teach in a whole of school situation. Victoria offers workshops such as "The Victoria Carlton Approach to Jolly Phonics", "The Victoria Carlton Approach to Jolly Grammar" as well as specific seminars on getting children to read or write and how to apply the use of good grammar in their writing. More information is provided on the "Professional Development" tab.

Victoria has many books, lesson plans and other Educational Materials available for sale on the Teachers Pay Teachers website at: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Victoria-Carlton-Programs

"Thank-you for all your help with my son, he is back on track and doing well. Now here is his younger brother!"
Mrs C

"To Vicky, You're the best!
C (a former student)

“Dearest Victoria, The professional development seminar on Jolly Phonics was fantastically practical, easy to listen to and engaging."
XXX Language Development Centre