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STAR: students at risk
Background: Many children experience degrees of academic risk during their school years. Varied factors contribute to academic risk to a greater or lesser extent. Some of these factors are outlined below:
Displacement due to political upheavals and the resultant disruption to schooling.
Children experiencing family breakdowns.
Children whose learning style does not match the teaching offered by schools. Sometimes these children have a specific diagnosis and sometimes not. Classroom teachers always know which students are struggling and are often frustrated and feel they lack the resources to provide for their needs.
Children with specific learning and behavioural difficulties such as ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Autism, ODD, Dysgraphia and learning delay.
The STAR course helps teachers to provide for these needs within a classroom context.
It outlines a clear, practical, strategy-focused approach designed to help ALL children to reach their potential.
Victoria Carlton wrote this course and has presented the research and strategies to literally thousands of teachers over the last decade.
She is a global educator, teacher trainer, and author who has helped thousands of children reach their potential. She is passionate about giving ALL children the chance to reach for the stars. Victoria promotes a positive, holistic, and child-focused approach.
The target audience for STAR includes:
Teachers, assistants, and therapists who work with children at educational risk.
Parents of STAR children who are seeking better learning solutions.
Participants will learn:
What is neurodiversity? Why an understanding of this area is CRUCIAL to help children labelled with many so-called deficits. Why these so-called deficits might also be perceived as strengths.
How to identify children at risk: testing, observation, planned evaluations.
About various form of common difficulties such as ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Autism, ODD, Dysgraphia and learning delay.
Learning styles and multiple intelligences: how to profile children so congruence of learning-teaching style can be assured.
Steps to creating comprehensive individual learning plans and how to select appropriate learning programs for students at risk.
Effective teaching strategies for STAR children.
How individualised Learning Folders allow teachers to individualise remediation of the learning occurring in the classroom and give students instant and visual feedback on their progress.
Ways to work closely and cooperatively with parents.
How to nurture and increase self-confidence and motivation within these children.
Teaching materials and games that support this approach and enhance learning enjoyment.
Ongoing evaluation and management.
How to keep an open mind and see the potential in every child while nurturing your own wellbeing.
The pedagogical model for STAR is built on:
1. An understanding of neurodiversity.
2. C.R.E.A.M. principles where teaching practices need to allow for:
C reativity
R elevance and time for reflection
E ngagement
A ctive learning
M ulti-sensory explorations
3. Dr. John Medina’s 12 BRAIN RULES to maximise learning.
4. The GROWTH MINDSET and RESILIENCE aspects of Victoria Carlton’s EQ4Kids Social and emotional course, independently researched by Curtin University, Australia. This nationally acclaimed research-based program has helped literally thousands of children to improve emotional intelligence & increase motivation & self-confidence
12 Daily Habits for Happy Children-based on the research from Sean Covey’s work.
There are 5 modules, and these are presented using a spaced learning model with BUAs (Between Unit Activities) for all participants to complete.
The STAR HANDBOOK will be issued to all participants along with extra materials:
12 Habits of Happy Children teaching package
SEEDS OF HOPE affirmation cards are provided.
Displacement due to political upheavals and the resultant disruption to schooling.
Children experiencing family breakdowns.
Children whose learning style does not match the teaching offered by schools. Sometimes these children have a specific diagnosis and sometimes not. Classroom teachers always know which students are struggling and are often frustrated and feel they lack the resources to provide for their needs.
Children with specific learning and behavioural difficulties such as ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Autism, ODD, Dysgraphia and learning delay.
The STAR course helps teachers to provide for these needs within a classroom context.
It outlines a clear, practical, strategy-focused approach designed to help ALL children to reach their potential.